General Description of an Arm Lift:

Brachioplasty, often called an arm lift, is the only effective solution for excess skin on the arms. In fact, liposuction alone does not allow this skin to be tightened, but combined with arm lifting, it helps to reduce their volume.

Key points :

  • Liposuction of the arms as a complement
  • Multiple scar options
  • No drain
  • Possibility of combining with other silhouette surgeries
  • Outpatient surgery possible

The skin on the inside of the arms, very thin and fragile, is often altered by variations in weight. This explains why, whether or not it is associated with excess fat, sagging skin is common in this area. When the skin in this area sags, liposuction alone is not enough. It is necessary to tighten the skin to correct this anomaly: this is called inner arm lift, arm lift, brachial lift or brachioplasty.

These are persistent fat accumulations that generally do not disappear despite physical exercise or diet.

The final result is visible between 6 and 12 months after the intervention, but the morphological and functional benefits begin to be felt from the second month.

The stages of Arm Lift interventions

  • Patients can be discharged the same day or the day after the procedure.
  • Bruising and swelling may appear for 10 to 20 days post-operatively.
  • The pain is generally very bearable with appropriate analgesic treatment.
  • Gradual resumption of sporting activity is possible from 4 weeks.
  • The scar must be protected from the sun for a year.

In practice

  • Procedure

    The aim is to remove excess skin from the inner side of the arms, to reduce the underlying fatty infiltration and to re-drape everything.

  • Anesthesia


  • Operating time

    2 hours

  • Length of hospitalization

    3 nights

  • Length of overall stay

    7 days

  • Convalescence

    10 - 15 days