LIFTING of the upper lip

General Description of Upper Lip Lift:

The upper lip is a delicate aesthetic area. Over time, it tends to lengthen, hiding the teeth in the upper arch and giving an aged appearance. Some patients attempt to correct this phenomenon with lip augmentation, which can result in a disharmonious and unnatural lip. The real treatment consists of performing an upper lip lift, which provides a more plumped, rejuvenated and above all more natural appearance.

This surgical procedure is much more common in women than in men. Over time, the so-called "white" lip, located between the nose and the upper red lip, sags and lengthens, giving the upper lip a thinned and less plump appearance, with a less visible red lip. This procedure, also known as "liplift", reduces the length of the white lip and makes the red lip stand out more, giving it a fuller and more aesthetic appearance.

This procedure is recommended for patients who feel like they have pursed lips or thinning of this area of ​​the face. With age, the upper lip lengthens and becomes thinner, which reduces the visibility of the upper teeth, or even hides them completely. The red lip curls toward the inside of the mouth, creating facial disharmony and an aged appearance. This overall imbalance can be aesthetically distracting. Patients are generally looking for a more youthful and natural result.

The mistake in these cases would be to resort to hyaluronic acid injections. In fact, the length of the white lip would remain unchanged and, without the support of the teeth, the red lip would require significant volume for minimal results. This result would not be natural and would appear too visible due to the disharmony between the different dimensions of the lips.

The main objective is to rejuvenate the face, plump and reshape the upper lip by reducing the length of the white lip.

The intervention steps of an upper lip lift:

  • Two pre-operative consultations are necessary for this facelift. Before and after photos of the lip lift will be taken. It is advisable to stop smoking one month before the surgical procedure to promote better healing.

    As with any surgical procedure, it is also recommended not to take anticoagulant or anti-inflammatory treatments, including aspirin, two weeks before the operation.

  • This is a relatively short surgical procedure, lasting between 30 and 45 minutes. It consists of the excision of excess skin between the bridge of the nose, the sides of the nose, and the upper lip. This excess skin has the shape of a bull's head, hence the name "bullhorn liplift". The scar is thus placed discreetly in the furrow between the nose and the lip, making the mark almost invisible.

In Practice

  • Procedure

    An upper lip lift involves making an incision under the nose, removing a small strip of skin, then suturing to shorten the distance between the nose and lip, giving the lip a younger, fuller appearance.

  • Anesthesia


  • Operating time

    Between 30 and 45 minutes

  • Length of hospitalization

    1 nights

  • Length of overall stay

    3 days

  • Convalescence

    2 to 3 days